Help “Grow” Our Community Gardens In 2024!

Your gift on “Growing Tuesday,” May 7 will help our garden operations at Feather II reach new heights. We have big plans and even bigger dreams. We need your support to pursue these possibilities and to turn them into realities.

The arrival of spring brings a sense of hope and optimism. New beginnings offer the opportunity for new growth. Our 160-acre property in the reservation community of Porcupine is ripe with potential and we can’t wait to get growing.

We have acquired and will be assembling two new high tunnels this spring. The addition of these structures will double our growing capacity and extend our impact further in the community. With this additional space, we will be able to plant more crops in greater quantities. The controlled environment of the high tunnels allows us to extend the growing season and produce more efficiently by creating an ideal environment for hearty, healthy nutritious fruits and vegetables to thrive.

All this new growth will create a lot more work! We are excited to have hired local support staff, a seasonal garden assistant, to help. We are hopeful to continue to involve the community further in our gardening efforts as we develop the property and our garden-related programming. Many of our volunteers will also have the chance to get their hands in the soil throughout the summer, by assisting with general garden upkeep and tasks such as weeding, watering and harvesting crops.

We plan to acquire and outfit a Veggie Wagon in the coming months. This food trailer will allow us to distribute produce to individuals and families across a wider area of the reservation. We will also be able to host our community dinner in different locations, allowing more people to come together, connect and enjoy each other’s company over a shared healthy meal.

Fresh produce is hard to find on the reservation. There is only one full-service grocery store on Pine Ridge – a reservation spread across nearly 3,500 square miles. Much of this land is not suitable for agriculture. Produce has to travel further to get here, which increases its price and shortens its shelf life. People on the reservation, where resources are limited, are forced to pay a premium for an inferior product - or go without.

The fruits and vegetables harvested from Re-Member’s gardens allow individuals and families in the community the opportunity to enjoy something that historically has been difficult to find here on Pine Ridge: fresh, local, nutritious, affordable produce. A healthy, non-processed option that can enrich diets and change lives.

We are committed to further developing our garden operations at Feather II and increasing our impact in the community in this meaningful way.


Your donation will provide additional funding to grow our gardening initiative. 100% of donations received via this page will be allocated to the project. 

Please use the form below to create your one-time or recurring gift to Re-Member via credit card, debit card, or bank transfer.

Thank you for supporting Re-Member and the Oglala Lakota people of Pine Ridge!