April Update


Happy spring! Although winter has been slow to depart from the prairie this year – we still have snow drifts in spots – we are beginning to turn the corner towards warmer days. With the arrival of spring comes a change in our programming. Our winter heating program is winding down after a very productive season thanks to the hard work of our staff, and the generosity of many.

We delivered a record-breaking amount of wood: more than 750 loads this winter! 15,800 gallons of propane and home heating oil was purchased, and 73 electric accounts at risk of being disconnected were offered financial assistance.

Now we again turn our attention to fulfilling requests from residents who live in all corners of the reservation, and who are asking for our help to improve their quality of life. Our volunteers are here, and anxiously await their assignments each morning as we head out to help build a better today across Pine Ridge.

The wood, screws, and equipment used to complete our projects are provided by donor gifts. The labor is guided by staff and completed by volunteers. The result is more than a place to sleep, or a safer way to get in and out of a residence. We build reasons for strangers from different cultures to come together. We build lasting impressions. We build an opportunity for a better tomorrow.

And at our Feather II gardens, the first seedlings of the growing season are taking root. The start of the growing season is a time of renewal and anticipation, a time when fresh produce can come to this food desert, and a time to discover the good things that can happen when sunshine and generosity are combined.

Join us this year for a week of service and learning alongside the Oglala Lakota people. We still have availability in many weeks for additional participants, and encourage you to visit our real-time trip calendar to view availability.

Save The Date: Growing Tuesday

This year’s garden program is already underway, with the first seed starts now growing (inside) at Feather II. Your support on “Growing Tuesday,” May 2 will ensure a successful gardening season, and allow us to complete several important projects at our gardens, including the hiring of additional local staff.

You can be an early supporter with your gift today.

Take A Trot

Join fellow supporters and volunteers from across the United States and around the world for a “Turtle Trot” 5K, 10K, half-marathon, marathon (or any run/walk of your choosing) in support of Re-Member and the Oglala Lakota people of Pine Ridge.

Your $35 registration fee includes a branded Re-Member tank top that will be mailed to you, and a $10 charitable contribution receipt for tax purposes.

Support The Oglala Lakota Artisan Community

Shop our Re-Member online store for an always-changing selection of handcrafted Lakota crafts, paintings and more. New items, purchased directly from local artisans and crafters include paintings by Kevin Poor Bear, jewelry by Carla Pittman, and ledger prints by Quinton Maldonado.

All purchases directly benefit Oglala Lakota artisans, and support Re-Member’s ongoing work across the Pine Ridge Reservation. 

On behalf of the Oglala Lakota community we serve, thank you for your continued support.

Cory True