Winter Heating Assistance Program Update


Thank you for your support of our winter heating program. We cannot do what we do without you!

With your support, we have delivered more than 600 loads of firewood this winter. We have assisted more than 160 households with home heating expenses such as heating oil, propane, and electric bills. Our trucks have driven thousands of miles.

Together, we do what is needed to offer the “gift of warmth” to families who would otherwise be forced to endure the harsh cold by burning clothes, trash, furniture or whatever else is available. This is the reality of life for many on Pine Ridge during the winter.  

The generous support of our donors, such as yourself, allows us to make a tremendous and meaningful impact around the reservation. Your gifts offer comfort, safety, and peace of mind to families and individuals during the freezing winter months. When a Re-Member truck pulls up with a load of wood, people know they will be warm, that they will receive some measure of relief. They know they can take a deep breath and, at least for now, not worry about the debilitating cold, which can freeze and burst pipes, exacerbate illness, and cause so many issues.

We will continue distributing firewood to homes and families across the reservation until the weather warms more substantially. We will continue to stand with the Oglala Lakota people of Pine Ridge, providing resources and addressing immediate needs, and we are able to do so in large part because of your support

Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead.
Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow.
Walk beside me, that we may be as one.

Native American Proverb

We thank you; the Lakota people we work alongside thank you and the many individuals and families who have received the benefit of your generosity thank you. 

Will Paese